My lil darling is in the "why?" stage. You all know it. "Do this..." "Why?" "Don't do that..." "Why?" "Put your dress down..." "Why?" "Do you want to go play outside?" "Why?" It is the most frustrating stage I have been through with her yet...I would rather scrub lipstick off the bathroom wall! (ok, so admittedly the standing up to pee stage wasn't so great either...)
But I got to thinking...How similar is this to how we are with God? He lays out very clearly principles in the Bible for us to live by. Simple things. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. And do we say, "ok!" Like we would love for our children to say to us?? Nope. We say, "why?" "Why does God do this? Why does God allow that? Why do we have to...? and Why does this happen this way?" I know what you are thinking..."Sometimes, it is really hard to understand why. It would be nice to just know." Well, I am sure that my 3 year old would love to really truly, completely understand why I won't fix macaroni and cheese for breakfast or ice cream for dinner. It is beyond her comprehension. But my point day she will understand. One day she will be glad that I laid down the rules for her that I did, and believe it or not, one day she will not allow her own daughter to draw on the walls or squeeze the living daylights out of her brother. And as time goes on, we too learn to understand the mind of God, and we will understand everything one day. So next time you have the urge to ask God "why," just remember how silly and totally annoying it sounds, and just say, "ok, God, if you say so."
Clothes that last.
Today's Treasure
*"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has
clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a rob...
10 years ago