So, I borrowed this book from a lady at our church entitled All of the Women of the Bible, by Edith Deen and it is so good I had to order it off the internet. This week I have been reading and thinking a lot on the story of Rebekah, Isaac's wife. Most often when we read this story we focus on Isaac, Jacob, and Esau. However, I think that Rebekah paints the perfect picture of a typical woman of God, with all the mess-ups we can produce.
We first meet Rebekah by the well. Isaac's servant, sent to find him a wife, has prayed that God would give him the sign of a woman offering water to his camels as well as himself to show this is the woman for Isaac. Then, along comes Rebekah. Isaac's servant relays this story to her and her family, and Rebekah, trusting that the Lord is in this agrees to go with him to marry a man she has never met. What faith! She doesn't have children until she is old, and then she has twins! God tells her that the older will serve the younger. As her two boys, Jacob and Esau, grow into young men, she is naturally drawn to the younger. He is not the rough and tough man that his brother is, but possibly the more spiritual minded. She may have also seen that her husband, Isaac, gave more attention to Esau because of his love for hunting and cooking, etc. Maybe it was because Esau had married women who did not share in their faith or because he cared so little about his birthrights to begin with. At that point Rebekah decides to take God's word to her about her sons into her own hands. She plots and plans and devises a scheme to get Isaac to give Jacob Esau's blessing, buy disguising him as his brother. It works, but causes so much family strife that she must send Jacob away for good in order to save his life from Esau. Talk about family drama! Instead of letting God unfold his plan before her, she took matters into her own hands, something we all do at times. But because of this Rebekah did not get her happily ever after. Instead she lived the rest of her life with a husband who no longer trusted her, a son who resented her, and another she could never see again.
One thing that I see that we can learn from Rebekah is that no matter what we do, God's Will will prevail. Jacob was meant to have the birthright, and went on to become Israel, the father of the nations. He had 12 sons, the 12 tribes of Israel, and through him the story continues. We often mess up this way. But, sister, no matter what you have done, be confident in knowing that God will work it out in spite of you!!! Let it also be an encouragement to trust Him, so that you can gain blessings from outcomes instead of sorrow.
But what do you think about Rebekah? I believe she was a mother that was seeking to do the best she could for her children and a child of God who wanted badly to have the Lord's will done in her family. But I believe she was way off base on what God had planned for her and she hurt a lot of people with her failure to trust and let go. Maybe you see it differently? It is difficult to imagine a mother choosing one son over the other in this way. Why did she not have Esau's well-being in mind also? Or why did she not talk to Isaac about the whole thing instead of using his weakness (blindness) against her own husband? What was she thinking? I would love to know what your thoughts are about this key woman of the Bible.
Clothes that last.
Today's Treasure
*"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has
clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a rob...
10 years ago
I am amazed that she had such favor for the one son over the other. As a mommy of 6 bays and a girl, it is hard for me to think of trying to get one child to have more favor with Terry over any other. I know there is some reason, perhaps that because Jacob was such a mild mannered guy, and Esau so rugged, maybe Esau was not kind to her... Or maybe she just felt she needed to balance things out since Dad obviously liked Esau better.... I just don't know.. Anyway I know she made some major mistakes, and so have I so I guess the story just shows me that God can still use us even when we make major errors in judgement, a nd also I think it shows how we can suffer for the mistakes we make. Rebecah could not have been a happy camper once her darling Jacob had to leave. And I am sure Isaac was not very pleased with her when he found out she decieved him... he probably did respond in like. And then there is Esau, he had to live with knowing Mom favored his brother to the point of deception... oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve....
BTW have you ever gone warting
*boys not bays... I wish we could edit these comments....
I am so alant...
WHAT is warting????
I cannot believe you do not know what Warting is...
I am totally disse
LOL, ok, I guess I don't have to do security checks on my own page!
I named Mark and Jordan's next baby this way...
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