I was thinking, so many women dread hearing the passage of the Proverbs 31 woman. They get convicted by it, or they feel inadequate or inferior to her. I do not think this was the purpose of this passage at all! This was a "check list" from a mom to her son. Wouldn't you want your son to marry the perfect woman? But the thing is, she isn't some wonder woman of the early civilizations, she is a picture of womanly beauty in its fullest. I believe that as women we should see this passage as an empowerment, a goal to strive for. Could you ever see a man taking all this on? (j/k) Seriously, we cannot use these verses as checklists, it just wouldn't work. We don't have the same obstacles before us in life as she did; we don't have to wait around for merchant ships, make our own clothes, or feed our handmaidens! But we do have to find the local bargains to save enough to take care of the fam; we have to make sure our kids have clothes, preferably clean; we have to cook healthy meals and aim for less than 2 times a week at McD's! Most of us are in charge of the family budget, the family schedule, the home, the errands, and even responsible for keeping the extended family checked in on from time to time. Our task, just like the 31 woman, is to give ourselves wholeheartedly to seeing our family well taken care of, to be a good steward, to bring up the children in the teachings of God, to do our husbands "good" all the days of our lives (read that as you will), and to fear the Lord. We are to be the type of woman that makes the leaders in town want our husband around, he must have good judgment since he married us! We want him to be proud of us and we want our children to "rise and call (us) blessed."
The Hebrew used in verse 10 for a virtuous woman, or woman of virtue, or woman of noble character, whichever translation you use, is literally the word used for warriors, soldiers, men of valor. It is saying, this woman is a fighter! She is out conquering the world on behalf of her loved ones. So the bottom line is, are you a fighter? Are you giving this wife/mom thing all you got?? If so, then chin up! YOU are a Proverbs 31 woman. Read that passage, covet that passage, and become that passage. Have no fear.
Clothes that last.
Today's Treasure
*"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has
clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a rob...
10 years ago